I’ve always been interested in creating beautiful things – luxe tablescapes, epicurean interior design, plush floral arrangements… But never had the creation of anything remotely culinary tempted me. A few years ago, a dinner party meant an impromptu potluck, where my erstwhile contribution was delivery pizza. Literally, Dominos.
Fast forward through my time as an undergrad at Berkeley, a stint in politics, and law school, I found myself spending endless hours at home studying for the California Bar Exam. Sometime that summer, crammed between monotonous Barbri lectures and incessant facebook-ing, the call of the kitchen sounded fiercely. I realized that my passion for aesthetic wonderment extended to the edible afterall.
Over the past year and a half, I cultivated a passion for cooking for my friends and family, and taught myself how to make things I never would have dreamed could come from my kitchen. It’s not immediately obvious, but preparing food combines two elements: creativity and precision. I’ve been told that cooking is like chemistry – all of the ingredients have to come together to create a perfect dish. As a lawyer who is used to working with rules, it is attractive to follow guidelines in an imaginative atmosphere.
The result of my new-found passion is what you’re reading, my blog named table+teaspoon. Here, I will share recipes, decorating and hosting tips, and occasional glimpses of my life in beautiful San Francisco. My goal is to provide you with the confidence to try these recipes on your own. If I can do it, anyone can! I hope that you will enjoy joining my journey as much as I enjoy sharing it with you. xx tt
Contact me with feedback or questions: Liz Curtis at e.c.curtis@gmail.com